Welcome to Sedro-Woolley School District's Online Payment Portal
Parents of Sedro-Woolley School District Students:
1st Time Users:
Username: Your Skyward Family Access username
Password: Click here to set your password
Enter your Skyward Family Access user name into the Username field then click the Search button.
It may take up to 24 hours after creating your Skyward Family Access account before being able to log in.
Returning Users:
Username: Your Skyward Family Access username
Password: Password created during first visit
You may RESET YOUR PASSWORD any time you like. A password reset email will be sent to your email address on file.
Non-parent community members wishing to sign-up to buy district items may SIGN-UP HERE.
(Please note that by signing in as a guest, your purchases will not be connected to any student account)
A convenience fee of $2 per transaction will apply to online purchases.
We Accept: